Jesus-Centred Spirit-Led Hope Revealed - Our Rallying Cry
Commissioner Miriam Gluyas with Auxillary-Lieutenant Rosy Keane and Storytellers of our movement

This book is very encouraging, and the stories underscore the truth that, ‘doing good unto others is not hard to do’.
The underlying principles that come from the stories are simple, well-known and effective.they are:
Seeing people – really seeing them and not looking through them or around them
Listening without judgment to others and actually hearing what they are saying
Loving people by giving time through listening – without working out the solutions and solving the issues in our head while they are speaking
Doing something – and it does not have to be an elaborate well-rehearsed plan – something as simple as taking the time to sit, listen and then follow up, can have a huge impact.
It’s important to remember that for some of us, when we hear about the success of others, it can be paralysing. This can happen because we compare our own circumstances with those who are being praised. It can lead us to think that we don’t have the same expertise, people around us, or the resources that others have to make a significant difference.
Focusing on the idea of ‘doing good unto others’ by just doing something, means that just one person can make a difference. Once the baton has been taken up it is amazing how God multiplies. – Major Jeanette Stoltenberg