• The General's April devotion
In his April devotion, General Lyndon Buckingham shares the story of Zacchaeus – the tax collector who wanted to see Jesus, but from a distance. As Jesus entered Jericho, he stopped at the tree that Zacchaeus had climbed to get a better view of him, and told him he wanted to fellowship with him at his house.
The General explained how this powerful encounter with Jesus changed Zacchaeus’ life – a beautiful story of salvation.
General Buckingham shares that he often thinks about this story, and wonders whether there “are people in trees all around us who are interested, but somewhat distant when it comes to knowing about Jesus".
He continues, “Perhaps this week, you and I will have an opportunity to invite someone to come a little bit closer and to experience the transforming grace that comes from a powerful encounter with Jesus. May it be so. God bless you.”
To watch the devotional video, click here or on the video below.