Meet Major Tim Watson

1. What is your current appointment and what do you find most satisfying about it?
I am a corps officer at Port Adelaide/Semaphore Salvos along with my wife Claire. It is exciting to be starting a new corps. With God’s help, we will make new disciples of Jesus and create faith pathways that are relevant to the people of this region. We have just started a Micro Church.
2. Away from the appointment – if that’s possible! – what do you do to relax or unwind?
I enjoy watching the Geelong Cats. I also love to run. I am a regular at Parkrun and run occasional marathons.
3. What’s a favourite Christian song and why do you like it?
Who you say I am – this song declares that I’m a child of God because of Jesus’ death for me! This song is used in Kairos Prison Ministry. I have been part of Kairos teams, which have shared the gospel in Mobilong Prison in Murray Bridge.
4. If you could have a good talk with a biblical character apart from Jesus, who would it be and what would you talk about?
I would talk with Luke because I am inspired by the amazing stories in the book of Acts. I would ask him to tell me some of the stories of the Early Church that didn’t make it into Acts.
5. If you were talking to a group of Salvationists and they asked if you recommended officership or not, what would you say?
I highly recommend officership. As an officer, I am well-supported and have great opportunities for mission. It is so rewarding to share the gospel and to help people grow as disciples of Jesus!
Interview by Major Mal Davies