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Month of May a season of enrolments around the NSW/ACT Division

Lieutenant-Colonel John Hodge conducts the enrolment of six senior soldiers at Hurstville Corps in Sydney on 19 May.

The month of May has been a time of multiple enrolments in the NSW/ACT Division, with several corps conducting ceremonies for new soldiers and adherents.


Corps that conducted enrolments of six or more members included Auburn and Hurstville/Campsie in Sydney and Queanbeyan in southern NSW.


Territorial Commander Commissioner Miriam Gluyas said it was exciting to hear of these enrolments and that the rally cry of ‘Jesus-centred, Spirit-led, hope revealed’ was being played out through people making commitments to serve Jesus through The Salvation Army.


“I can’t wait to see the unfolding plans of God in these people’s lives,” Miriam said.


Lieutenant Beth Shao conducts Mandarin soldiership classes at Hurstville Corps in Sydney.

Hurstville/Campsie enrolments Six senior soldiers were enrolled at Hurstville Corps on Sunday 16 May after a series of soldiership classes were held for members of both Hurstville and Campsie Corps’ Chinese-speaking community.

Lieutenant Beth Shao conducted Mandarin soldiership classes in March, and Lieutenant-Colonel John Hodge (Ret.) led English-speaking soldiership classes. 

Lieut-Colonel John Hodge enrols Chris Windsor and Princess Delaney in March.

As a result, the corps was privileged and encouraged to witness the enrolment of six soldiers – Ailing, Derick, Mike, Wei, Xian and YinRui – with Derick and YinRui giving their testimonies.


This is the second time soldiers have been enrolled at Hurstville this year, with two new soldiers – Princess and Chris – enrolled in February.


Queanbeyan’s new adherents (from left) Katrina, Meriss, Carmel, Sandy, Caroline, Guy and Paul with Community of Hope Leader Joanne Paull.

Queanbeyan enrolments Queanbeyan Salvos also had a special morning on Sunday 5 May when seven adherents were enrolled. They were Katrina, Meriss, Carmel, Sandy, Caroline, Guy and Paul.

Community of Hope Leader Joanne Paull conducted the ceremony, and Major Dean Clarke, Area Officer, presented each adherent with their enrolment certificate.

Area Officer Major Dean Clarke hands out the certificates.

“We are so grateful to God for all he is doing at Queanbeyan Community of Hope,” said Joanne. “Lives are being transformed with the love of Jesus.”

“It was wonderful to see seven of our lovely community here make this special commitment in their lives.”

Auburn enrolments

Six senior soldiers were enrolled at Auburn on Sunday 19 May. They were Meble, Mathias, Indra, Maleeha, John and Sai.


Corps Leader and Area Officer Major Robyn Black led the cohort through soldiership classes and also conducted the enrolment ceremony alongside fellow Corps Leader Natalie Kistan.


To read the full Auburn story, click here 

Senior soldiers being enrolled at Auburn Corps.






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