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Bereavements - 2025

Salvation Army officers and other personnel who have suffered the recent loss of a loved one:

Our love and prayers are with Major Paula Glover on the recent passing of her Mum, Mrs Dulcie Drury, after a long period of illness.  The Celebration of Life was held at Stafford Corps conducted by Majors Bronwyn and Ashley Barkmeyer on Tuesday 11 February.  We pray that the strength, joy and peace of God which ‘passes all understanding’ might continue to hold Paula, her Dad Alan, sister Kylie and extended family and friends, in the days ahead.

Major Mark Soeters was bereaved of his brother Michael who recently passed away unexpectedly in New Zealand. Please keep him in your prayers at this sad time.


Major Erica Kollmorgen is bereaved of her father, Mr Eckhart Ernst, who passed away after a long time of sickness on Tuesday 24 December 2024. The funeral service was held at Ivan Butler Funerals in Adelaide on 31 December and conducted by Erica. Our love surrounds Erica and her mother Beryl, and we pray that the peace of God, which passes ‘all understanding,’ might sustain the family at this time. 


Captain Melissa Marsh is bereaved of her mother, Shirley Seller, who passed away on Friday 27 December 2024, aged 89 years. A funeral was held on Sunday 6 January in Ararat, Victoria. Please keep Melissa and the family in your thoughts and prayers. 


Captains Alana and Aaron Reid and Captains Daniel and Andrea Wayman are bereaved of their uncle, Luke Walford, who passed away on Saturday 28 December 2024 after a shark attack in central Queensland. Luke was assistant pastor at Cathedral of Praise in Rockhampton.  Kayelene Walford (Wayman), his wife, previously worked at DHQ in Central Queensland as a long serving DC secretary and DYS for 2 years. The funeral was held at Cathedral of Praise in Rockhampton on Tuesday 7 January. The family asks for prayers as they navigate this tragic loss.

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