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Book Review: Wesleyan Perspectives on Human Flourishing


Wesleyan Perspectives on Human Flourishing is the engaging title of 12 essays by theological academics associated with the Australian Centre for Wesleyan Research.

The editors – Dean G. Smith and Rob A. Fringer – are faculty members of the Nazarene Theological College, Queensland. Of particular interest to Salvationists is Smith’s essay, ‘The Salvation Army and the Challenge of Higher Education in the New Millennium’.

Major Smith, a retired Salvation Army officer, served for over 30 years in various Australian appointments. Also pertinent is ‘Exploring Salvationist Understandings of Holiness in the Anthropocene’, by Matthew D. Seaman.

The essays explore a range of contemporary issues such as calling, creation care, healthcare, education, technological enhancements, death and dying. The book is a theological smorgasbord that offers solid food for thought but might prove hard for some readers to digest. However, this rigorous work should reward committed readers and is recommended by Commissioner Robert Donaldson.

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