• International Prayer Focus 2024
Each week throughout this year, Salvationists around the world are uniting in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.
Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another.
This month, we are praying for the territories of Malawi, USA Eastern, Russia and Pakistan.
Malawi Territory requests your prayers for:
· Leadership: That God may guide our leaders as they continue to lead the territory into self-reliance and for soldiery support (10 corps have been earmarked to be self-reliant by 2024).
· Salvationists: For the spiritual and physical health and well-being of all officers, staff, soldiers in the territory.
· Youth and Children: 2024 has been declared a year of youth and children in the territory. We request prayers for youth and children ministry to continue to grow and each young salvationist to be an agent of expanding The Salvation Army mission in their community.
· Men’s Fellowship: Pray for continued growth of men’s ministry in the territory and that men would have a zeal of winning more souls for God.
· Economic situation in Malawi: The price of commodities has been rising sharply. Pray for people’s resilience and God’s intervention.
Special events planned for 2024:
o Territorial women's rally 15-18 August that will be held in Blantyre, Malawi. We request prayers that the women attending this rally will have renewal and spiritual growth through an encounter with God that will transform their lives.
o Annual divisional congresses in September.
o Commissioning of cadets in November.
o Territorial executive conferences in June and December.
For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2024, and and to download the calendar, click here.