• International Prayer: Lifting up the Australia Territory

Each week throughout this year, Salvationists around the world unite in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.
Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another.
This week (8-14 April), we are praying for the Australia Territory.
Pray for the Australia Territory:
· For our rallying cry to become our reality: ‘Jesus-centred, Spirit led, Hope revealed’.
· That God would give us wisdom and the most effective ways to live the rallying cry out, from all our mission expressions and sites.
· For the right leaders to rise up and to be raised up and tapped on the shoulder.
· That we live out who we are and what we believe in.
· For new ways of being and doing church to rise up across the nation.
· For the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the impact this is having in our Australian communities.
· For ongoing guidance as The Salvation Army Australia responds to a country that refers to itself as ‘post-Christian’.
· For a greater witness of who Jesus Christ is – to one another and our community.
· For salvation to be our greatest hope and prayer, from people to the planet.
· For deeper commitment to and seeking of discernment, so we can know God’s will, offer God thanksgiving and follow God’s plan.
· For our A Year of Prayer national prayer initiative: that all Salvationists may embrace this, praying together, for each other, for our movement and for our nation.
· For greater unity: that we may be known for the love we have for one another.
· For integrated mission.
· That we would value the learnings of our young people and incorporate these into our movement’s future and present direction: willing to be uncomfortable, willing to try and fail, and making faith integral to all our plans and actions.
To find out more about the Australia Territory, click here.

For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2024, and to download the calendar (above), click here.

Do you like to pray? Then please join The Salvation Army’s Year of Prayer campaign #salvosprayingtogether.
To find out all you need to know about our Year of Prayer, just click on the following links or copy and paste them into your browser: My Salvos - https://my.salvos.org.au/a-year-of-prayer/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/tsayearofprayer?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Or contact Aux-Lieutenant Rosy Keane at rosy.keane@salvationarmy.org.au