• International Prayer – Southern Africa

Each week throughout this year, Salvationists around the world are uniting in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.
Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another.

This week (24-30 June) we are praying for the Southern Africa Territory. The countries making up this territory include Eswatini, Lesotho, Namibia, Island of St Helena and South Africa.
Praise points:
· We praise God for the 12 Champions of the Mission session of cadets currently in training college, pursuing their calling to officership.
· We thank God for the successful recommencement of the territorial mission team in 2023 and for its continuation in 2024.
Prayer points:
· Pray for spiritual and numerical growth in the territory, reflecting genuine transformation and discipleship.

· Ask for God's provision and innovative solutions as government financial grants decrease for social centres around the territory.
· Pray for an increase in people responding to the call to officership, and that intentional mentoring and discipleship may effectively nurture and prepare future officers.
· Pray for God's wisdom and guidance in implementing the territorial strategic plan, overcoming obstacles and uniting officers and soldiers in mission. Pray for effective resource utilisation and outcomes that glorify God.

· Pray for the upcoming Brengle program to be a time of spiritual renewal and revival, with impactful messages and hearts open to the Holy Spirit's leading.
For more information about the Southern Africa Territory, click here.
For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2024, and to download the calendar, click here.
To view more photos from the territory, see the slideshow below.