• International prayer – USA Southern
Each week throughout this year, Salvationists around the world are uniting in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.
Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another.
This week we are praying for the Pray for USA Southern Territory.
· We ask God’s blessings upon our territorial priorities that are divided between three categories: Love, Serve and Disciple. The emphasis is “All for Jesus” as we move through 2024 in all levels of Salvation Army service and ministry.
· We are boldly asking God for 50 candidates for the Keepers of the Covenant session entering the training college this August. Pray that men and women will heed God’s call to be officers.
· Although we have resumed all our activities, the attendances in our corps are still below what they were before the pandemic. Pray that there would be renewal in our ranks.
· Pray for our ministry among those suffering most acutely. Opioid and meth addiction is at epidemic levels in areas of our territory. Human trafficking is increasing despite efforts to intercede. The Army is doing meaningful work with wonderful results but so much more needs to be done.
· We praise God for our evangelistic outreach through our frontline ministries in the corps and adult rehabilitation centres, our online ministries (soundcast in English and Spanish), and through social media. We ask for wisdom as we seek the Spirit’s guidance to reach more souls for God’s kingdom.
For more information about the USA Southern Territory, click here.
For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2024, and to download the calendar, click here.