• Leaders’ first to visit Poland

General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham recently attended the Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territorial Congress and inspired the congregation with their sermons, personal testimonies and relatability during the four-day event.

The Sunday morning Holiness Meeting was a highlight of the leaders’ visit to Germany (26-29 September), which included Officers Councils, Covenant and Commissioning, and an evening of praise and joy that featured the popular German Christian rock band, Koenige & Priester.
During their visit, the Buckinghams inspired many people in the territory and created a spirit of optimism.
“I am going home with a happy heart, feeling motivated and invigorated,” said one participant, summarising the overall mood. “The community of faith that I experienced with the General and the Commissioner gives me strength for my ministry.”
Historic visit to Poland
The world leaders then visited Warsaw, the capital of Poland, the first visit to the country from a Salvation Army General.

In a private meeting, the international leaders heard first-hand reports from survivors of the war in Ukraine. The relatively small Salvation Army in Poland (Armia Zbawienia), led by Majors Christian and Anna-Lena Paulsson, has responded valiantly in recent years as millions of Ukrainians fled war and entered Poland.
Captain Oleg Samoilenko (originally from Ukraine, now serving in Poland) presented stark facts and shared powerful testimony. Since the war started, more than 150,000 refugee families have received cash cards for grocery shopping and at least 3,300 individuals have been helped with translation to enable them to access health care and other services. Almost 50,000 food parcels and other types of support have been provided. Two refugees from Ukraine shared their experiences with the Buckinghams and the territorial leaders, Colonels Dean and Eirwen Pallant, who thanked The Salvation Army around the world for all the support given and the love shown during a time of desperate need.
On the Monday evening, Salvationists from across Poland came to Warsaw for a celebration meeting. Young people from the corps in Warsaw presented a dance with lights on their costumes. General Buckingham challenged the congregation to shine like stars and reflect the love and light of Jesus into their communities.
As at many meetings during the visit of the General and Commissioner Buckingham to the Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territory, people responded to the invitation to pray at the mercy seat.
“I could not imagine that this meeting would give me so much inspiration,” said Captain Oleg Samoilenko, Warsaw Corps Officer, with his wife, Captain Dominika Domańska. “General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham are a great example and people of big heart.
“Several things from the meeting that I will keep in my memory forever: People are at the heart of our mission, the most important treasure of The Salvation Army; ranks are given to us for a couple of years, but a name is for life; no matter what you look like and what weaknesses you have, God will still use you for his great deeds.”
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