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New Divisional Commander installed for South Australia/Northern Territory

Territorial Commander Commissioner Miriam Gluyas leads the Installation Service for Majors Paul and Wendy Hateley at Adelaide City Salvos on Sunday.

Territorial Commander Commissioner Miriam Gluyas officially installed Major Paul Hateley as the new South Australia/Northern Territory Divisional Commander at Adelaide City Salvos on Sunday 19 March.

Major Paul Hateley, the new Divisional Commander for the South Australia/Northern Territory Division.

Miriam also led an Affirmation ceremony for Major Wendy Hateley, who has been appointed Faith Communities Development Secretary for the division.

“Paul, we are here today to welcome you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to join with you as you confirm publicly your willingness to undertake these leadership responsibilities,” Miriam said.

“May the everlasting arms of God the Father hold and protect you. May the love of Christ compel and inspire you to this sacred service, and may the power of the Holy Spirit strengthen and guide you daily.”

Then, directing her attention to Wendy, said: “In the name of God, I now recognise and affirm you [Wendy] as the Faith Communities Development Secretary for South Australia and the Northern Territory.”

“Together, they [the Hateleys] are the spiritual leaders of this division, which is such an important task as we want to be led by the Spirit.”
– Commissioner Miriam Gluyas

Before bringing the message, The new Divisional Commander acknowledged those who had invested in him from a young age and the broader support of The Salvation Army community.

“It is my privilege that I’ve been appointed into this role to lead, but also to serve, and both of those should hold hands together always,” said Paul, who has served in officership for over 30 years.

“Never stop investing. Never stop encouraging. Never stop pouring yourself into people.”

The Installation and Affirmation service can be viewed by clicking here.


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