New store helps more in Tamworth

A new Salvos Store opening today (31 August 2023) in Tamworth (NSW) will give local shoppers a fantastic retail experience and enable more community members to volunteer.
Jenny Cross – who bubbles with laughter when she tells people her name, saying, “I’m not really cranky, I promise!” – says the new store is brilliant. “We had outgrown the old one,” she says. “Now we can have everything displayed beautifully and stock new products again.

The opening day will feature a Welcome To Country from a local indigenous elder and a performance from country singer Cody Walker, a fitting addition given that Tamworth is the country music capital of Australia. “It will create a fantastic vibe,” says Jenny.
The store has “the best team in the world,” says Jenny of her staff and volunteers, who come from various backgrounds, including work-for-the-dole, correctional work placements and community members looking to have fun and give back.
“We always need more volunteers,” says Jenny.
And, now that the store is larger, there will be more pricing to be done, more stock to be sorted and more displays to arrange. Meaning that more community members can be part of The Salvation Army’s mission!