NSW/ACT Division welcomes a ‘Spirit-led leader with a pastoral heart’

Major Robyn Black has been installed as the new Divisional Commander of the New South Wales/ACT Division.
Territorial Commander Commissioner Miriam Gluyas conducted the installation ceremony at Parramatta Corps in Sydney on Sunday 2 February.
She told those gathered and watching online, “From me, there was no hesitation that this lady should be the next Divisional Commander of the NSW/ACT Division.

Turning to Robyn, she said, “It’s a big division, a lot happens here, and I’m so excited that you are the person who will lead us into the next season.”
Speaking on behalf of soldiers and corps members across the division, Parramatta senior soldier Margaret Poore said it was a huge blessing to welcome a new leader who knew the division so well and was so committed to loving God and caring for people.
“We want to commit to prayer for you as you lead,” Margaret said.
“We will pray that you will be empowered with wisdom, compassion, strength and vision as you lead our division for this season. May the Lord continue to bless you personally. May he equip you and sustain you.”

Auxiliary-Lieutenant Amanda Pethybridge, speaking on behalf of officers and ministry leaders, shared a personal experience where Robyn ministered to her during a tough time in her ministry and her deep appreciation of that moment.
“What a powerful mix we have – a Spirit-led leader with a pastoral heart and a deep conviction to her calling!” Amanda said.
“So, friends, we are blessed for this next season as a division to have Robyn as our Divisional Commander.”
Social work background
Robyn came to The Salvation Army after a career in personal caring and social work.
“Eventually, God said to me, ‘Robyn I have something else for you,’ and he put a burning on my heart to be a Salvation Army officer.”
After appointments in corps and leading the division’s social work, Robyn has spent her recent appointments as both a corps officer and area officer. She shared with those gathered that when she was first asked by Miriam to pray about taking on the role of the Divisional Commander, she felt unsure and overwhelmed. However, she remembered that she had, at that time, been reading the account of Moses in the Bible. “He was a leader who was uncertain and felt inadequate in his own strength,” she shared.
After receiving confirmation through prayer and her inner prayer circle, Robyn accepted the role.
“I have never ever regretted following the prompting of God to be a Salvation Army officer,” she said. “We are a Spirit-led people, and the spirit of God leads us if we allow him to.
“It’s time to say ‘yes’ to God … we need to follow his leading.”

Parramatta Corps was full, with joyful worship from Sydney Staff Songsters and a combined Blacktown and Parramatta band.
Sitting in the congregation, Salvationist Narelle Gurney said the worship was “vibrant, inspiring and deeply personal. The brass band added to the dynamic expression – it felt very powerful.”
Many others watched the installation online. Major Bindy Lupis, watching from Melbourne, commented online, “Cheering you on from Melbourne!”