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• Prayer: Canada/Bermuda

Each week throughout this year, Salvationists around the world are uniting in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.


Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another. 


This week (27 May-2 June) we are praying for the Canada and Bermuda Territory.

There are four Australian officers serving in the Canada and Bermuda Territory: Captains Fiona and Matt Kean are the corps officers of the Chilliwack Corps in British Columbia; and Captains Christopher and Nichole Maxwell are the corps officers of the Kingston Citadel, Ontario.

Pray for Canada and Bermuda Territory

We praise and thank God for:

·       The souls being saved into the Kingdom and for the recommitment of lives to Christ being made throughout our territory.

Please pray for:

·       Continued renewal and revival:

o   That the Holy Spirit would continue to breathe renewed life into individuals and into our ministries across our territory

o   That Salvationists would experience the power of the Holy Spirit in all its fullness and live lives of holiness and compassionate love for others.

 ·       Continued strengthening and spiritual health:

o   That continued emphasis on strengthening a disciple-making culture that grows authentic followers of Christ that will help our ministry units be places of holiness and spiritual vibrancy, and help our communities of faith flourish, having transformative influence in the neighbourhoods where The Salvation Army is present

o   That the evidence of the continued pastoral care over our officers will bring new strength, healing, renewed purpose and a deeper joy in their calling.


·       For the harvest of candidates:

o   That hearts would be open and courageously willing to follow God’s call, and with his strength, trust in his guidance and the assurance of his presence

o   That officers would be filled with a joy and boldness and a greater discernment to intentionally engage in meaningful conversations with individuals regarding officership

o   That God would open the floodgates of candidates for his service in this territory and throughout The Salvation Army world.

o   That with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we would seek knowledge, discernment and understanding of spiritual and social issues, developing solutions and partnerships with Kingdom-oriented individuals, groups and organisations, to best support and serve our mission.

o   Our 2024 Partners in Mission Self-Denial Campaign and that, as a territory, we will be reminded of the importance of sacrificial giving. With a goal of 2.4 million dollars, we pray earnestly for the surpassing of this target. May our collective efforts ensure the expansive presence of The Salvation Army worldwide.

To read more about the Canada and Bermuda Territory, click here.

For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2024, and to download the calendar, click here.



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