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Prayer for Turkey and Syria

Chief Secretary Colonel Winsome Merrett has asked Salvos to play their part in helping the people of Turkey and Syria.
Chief Secretary Colonel Winsome Merrett has asked Salvos to play their part in helping the people of Turkey and Syria.

Dear friends,

As the devastating impact of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria continues to unfold, we all must ask ourselves what part we play in helping the people of Syria and Turkey recover and rebuild from this tragic event.

As a movement, we do not have any direct operations in the impacted countries; however, in consultation with the Secretary for Communications, Colonel Rodney Walters, and his team, one way we can support people on the ground is through directing financial aid to World Vision, an organisation with shared Christian values who are providing food, medical aid, and shelter during this time. You can give via this link.

Lastly, I urge you to continue to pray for the people of Syria and Turkey and all those responding to this tragedy. I have included a prayer below, and you can find additional resources for corps here >>

Prayer for Turkey and Syria

Father God, Our hearts are with those impacted by the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. When the world feels chaotic, and the hurt and fear are unbearable, you are Immanuel – God with us. Sweep across these lands with your presence and your protection. Be a place of shelter for those who face devastation and an uncertain future today. Give wisdom and strength to those who are in leadership. Protect these lands from political unrest. Focus energies on responding to the needs, managing the crisis, and eventually rebuilding communities. Stir those who have resources to contribute. Prompt us to be generous and active, seeking ways in which we can share what you have given to us. As people come to help, let love flow in places that have known trauma and conflict and may there be healing amid the hurt. Amen

Thank you for your heart full of compassion and love towards those in need at this time.

God bless you each, 

Colonel Winsome Merrett Chief Secretary

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