• Praying for the Philippines

Each week throughout this year, Salvationists around the world are uniting in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.
Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another.

This week (18-24 November) we are praying for the Philippines Territory.
This territory is made up of 8825 senior soldiers, 5503 adherents and 1018 junior soldiers. There are 88 corps, 25 outposts, 246 officers (151 active and 95 retired), 11 cadets and 67 employees.
Praise points
For the third quarter of the year, the following programs were blessed and mightily used by God for the development of the personal spiritual lives of officers and members and The Salvation Army’s presence in the communities:
Ministry workers training (14-25 August)
Active single officers retreat (21-23 August)
Holiness conference (24-28 September)
Integrated community development program (evaluation of phase one).

Prayer requests
The change in leadership as our present Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries prepare to leave the territory.
Construction of a new Bethany Children’s Home (BCH) building. The building, which has served for more than forty years, had to be demolished. BCH cares for girls who have been sexually abused. Please pray that we will be able to build a better shelter for the girls.
NetSuite go-live on 2 December 2024.
The second phase of the integrated community development program.
The gospel arts camp in May 2025.
The health of officers.
For more information on The Philippines Territory, click here.
For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2024 and to download the calendar, click here.