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A child’s prayer echoes the General’s heart at Perth Rally

General Lyndon and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham stand with Bella Stobie as she prays during the Perth Rally on Tuesday night. Photo: Peter Mazanec


The heartfelt prayer of an 11-year-old – that The Salvation Army would be sold out to Jesus – set the scene for a powerful move of the Holy Spirit at the General’s rally in Perth on Tuesday night.


Bella Stobie, a Junior Soldier at Perth Fortress Corps, said she was shocked but excited when asked to prepare a prayer for the Western Australia Divisional event as part of General Lyndon and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham’s Australian tour.


When she stood at the pulpit, the Buckinghams moved forward to stand with her, and in a small, clear voice, she began.

Bella’s prayer impacted everyone in the room at Perth Fortress Corps. Photo: Miriam Gluyas

“We pray that everywhere there is a red shield, that they would brightly shine the love of Jesus. We want everyone in Western Australia to know Jesus as their Saviour and best friend,” she said.

But prayers didn’t stop at the divisional border. Bella prayed that The Salvation Army in Australia would be a ‘mighty Jesus army’.


“Give us courage, give us boldness and give us a big faith to turn this country upside down with the love of Jesus,” to which those gathered added a resounding, “Amen.”


Dozens of children and young people took part in the rally, from Balga Corps’ Just Brass and Just Dance segment to Bella’s prayer and the choice of two young adults – Samuel Gibson, of Perth Fortress Corps, and Claire Castley, WA Youth and Young Adults Secretary – to interview the Buckinghams on stage.


The Perth Rally was well attended by Salvationists and friends from around the Western Australia Division. Photo: Peter Mazanec

During the interview, Commissioner Bronwyn shared about the first time she gave her life to Christ, at the mercy seat during a Salvation Army meeting when she was a child: “I was only eight years old, but that was real for me because I can take myself back to that moment right now and feel those feelings and it tells me that the decision of a child for Jesus is real. And we must never, ever underestimate what the Holy Spirit is doing in the hearts of children and that they have so much to teach us who are older.”


During his message, General Buckingham spoke about the difference between having Jesus as ‘present’, ‘prominent’ or ‘pre-eminent’ in our lives and our Salvation Army movement.

General Buckingham preaching during the Perth Rally. Photo: Peter Mazanec

“The Salvation Army around the world is going to be a powerful salvation army when we reclaim and reposition the Lord Jesus Christ as the risen King of Kings within the movement.”


When speaking about what God had been revealing to him personally about pre-eminence, the General said, “I’m on a journey, just like you, on endeavouring to ensure that the living Christ stays pre-eminent in my life.”


He challenged those gathered to kneel before the Lord and yield themselves in worship, adoration, surrender and obedience. Many people, including young Bella Stobie, responded at the mercy seat.

 During the Perth Rally, Morley Corps Officer Major Jo Brookshaw engaged in worship through art, painting a beautiful image on canvas depicting a hand holding sprouting seeds. Photo: Peter Mazanec


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