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Around the territory with our leaders


Chief Secretary Colonel Winsome Merrett had the privilege of leading the Sunday service at Alice Springs on 19 June alongside Corps Officers Majors Rhonda and Dean Clutterbuck.

Winsome reflected on the corps’ history and how it has continued to meet great need in the region since being planted by the late Majors Hilton and Wilga Morris in 1965.

Earlier that week, she was given a tour of the historic 88 Hartley Street location where worship and administration is based. Taking the chance to meet community members at The Waterhole Community Drop In Centre, she viewed the community art gallery, stocked with the work of local residents and community members who share their Tjukurrpa (Dreaming).

Every day, between 50 and 80 people gather at The Waterhole for fellowship, making use of the laundry facilities, painting, yarning and watching a movie.

Thrift Store coordinator Maddy Clutterbuck later gave Winsome an overview of the shop at 17 Whittaker Street.


The Brisbane City Temple group at the Queensland mission conference.

Commissioner Robert Donaldson was a guest speaker at the Queensland mission conference on 17-19 June. The conference was an intergenerational event seeking to equip, encourage, and inspire all to pursue and develop missional opportunities for their local setting.

The Territorial Leader described it as “a wonderful day of commitment to mission in the Queensland Division. Excellent range of topics presented simultaneously in Brisbane, Rockhampton and Cairns.”

One of many highlights was an elective with Professor Cameron Parsell and Marcus Hutchins on being a Jesus-centred social mission provider.


Commissioner Janine Donaldson recently travelled to the IHQ in London to meet with fellow territorial leaders and bumped into Bellarine Peninsula Corps officer Captain Peter Hobbs.


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