Book launch a double celebration for ‘hero of the faith’

It was a memorable day for Commissioner Ian Cutmore at Port Macquarie Corps yesterday – not only did he witness the launch of a book close to his heart, but he also celebrated his 90th birthday.
Ironically, 90 people gathered (66 in person and 24 online) as Salvos Publishing launched Not Weary Yet: Inspiring Snippets of The Salvation Army Papua New Guinea Story, which tells the history of The Salvation Army’s work in Papua New Guinea.
Commissioner Cutmore, who attends Port Macquarie Corps with his wife Commissioner Nancy, was one of the main contributing authors of the book, writing about a third of the narrative focusing on the 11 years he and Nancy spent pioneering the work in PNG from 1956.

“It was a wonderful day, a day to remember ... wonderful memories and a wonderful service to launch this publication,” Commissioner Ian Cutmore said.
Several of the 22 Salvationists who served in PNG and contributed snippets to the photo-laden book were in attendance, including Commissioners James and Jan Condon (online) and Commissioner Miriam Gluyas and Colonel Kelvin Alley (in person), who were all given an opportunity to speak.
Commissioner Cutmore also spoke powerfully for 20 minutes on his time in PNG and the inspiration behind the book “for God’s glory”.
“It was a great privilege to be part of this very special day,” said Colonel Kelvin Alley. “Congratulations to Ian and Nancy on a wonderful book.”
“I was incredibly blessed to be part of this,” said Commissioner Miriam Gluyas. “Commissioners Ian and Nancy Cutmore are heroes of the faith!”
The launch was led by Lieutenant-Colonel Laurie Robertson, the book’s coordinating editor. A poignant moment came when Captain Peter Gott, Port Macquarie Corps Officer, sang the chorus Not Weary Yet, which was the chorus that came to Commissioner Cutmore’s mind when searching for a title for the book.

During the launch, Commissioner Cutmore was presented with a 90th birthday cake by Salvation Army Publications Manager Cheryl Tinker. The Commissioner spent time before and after the service signing books and greeting well-wishers, who were treated to an afternoon tea served by members of the Port Macquarie Corps.
In a tribute to the Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory, 200 books have been provided for every retired officer, active officer and cadet of that territory.
How to purchase a copy
Not Weary Yet: Inspiring Snippets of The Salvation Army Papua New Guinea Story is available from Salvationist Supplies by emailing or or by calling Sydney Salvationist Supplies (1800 634 209) and Melbourne Salvation Army Supplies (1800 100 018).
If any one person, corps, division or territory wants to buy 10 copies or more they can email and they will get them at the wholesale price of $25 each plus postage.
Slideshow of photos from the PNG book launch: