• Carey Nieuwhof Australian tour

Fans of the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast will be excited to learn that the American pastor is touring Australia later this month.
“I know many officers and staff within The Salvation Army are keen listeners to Carey Nieuwhof’s podcasts and would love to know he’s coming here,” said Margaret Spicer, Director of Partner Services for the Irresistible Church Network in Australia and New Zealand.
The Irresistible Church Network is bringing Carey ‘Down Under’, where he will speak at functions in Auckland (19 Feb), Brisbane (21 Feb), Sydney (22 Feb), Melbourne (26 Feb), Adelaide (27 Feb) and Perth (29 Feb).
“I speak to leaders around the world about leadership, change and personal growth and am passionate about helping people thrive both in their personal life and within their organisations,” Carey stated on his website.
On his tour, Margaret said Carey would be focusing on leadership, changes and challenges being faced in 2024. “It will be helpful and hopeful content that will inspire leaders to keep listening to and leading with Jesus,” Margaret said.
More information and tickets to Carey’s sessions can be found at https://irresistiblechurches.network