• International Prayer – Japan Territory

Each week throughout this year, Salvationists around the world are uniting in prayer for a particular territory or region of The Salvation Army.
Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another.
This week (22-28 July) we are praying for the Japan Territory.

Australian officers, Majors Daniel and Melissa Tempelman Twells, serve in the Japan Territory – Daniel as Training Principal and Spiritual Life Development Secretary, and Melissa as Corps Officer, Koto Corps.
· Praise God for the successful launch of 525 Campaign – Together We Enter the Gates of The Lord! – a territorial prayer initiative with accompanying devotion guidebook, as we believe there will be five cadets in 2025!
Prayer for the territory:
· The territorial theme for 2024 is Generation to Generation based on Psalm 145:4-5 (NIV). Please pray that the spiritual legacy of previous generations of Salvationists will continue to be built upon, and expressed in creative and innovative ways to future generations.
· Please pray for the executive officers’ councils. This year, the first session was held in June and another session will take place in October. Please pray for the territorial leadership team as they lead and guide these important gatherings.
· Please pray for all corps and social centres located throughout the territory, for all mission expression leaders and their teams, and for the recipients of their ministry.
Prayer for Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES):
· Please pray for the SAES teams that have been supporting local churches and serving community members on the Noto Peninsula following an earthquake on 1 January this year.
· Please pray for the team leaders and volunteers as they provide ongoing emergency assistance in this way. Pray that the connections made between local churches and community members will continue to grow and deepen.
Prayer for Obihiro Corps (Hokkaido Division) and corps officers Lieutenants Kiyoshi and Mitsuyo Higuchi:
· Please pray that parents and children who are isolated in the area or who are worried about raising children can come to Obihiro Corps’ Family Song program and that they might encounter God's love through this important ministry.
· Please pray that the Obihiro Corps will be able to begin further work in the community.
Prayer for the officer training college and training principal Major Daniel Templeman Twells:
· Please pray for a positive response throughout the 525 Campaign (May 2024-March 2025), that people will respond to God’s calling upon their lives and offer themselves for officer training in the 2025 academic year.
· Please pray for the staff of the officer training college as they prepare in faith to receive officer cadets for training and explore new ways of providing theological education and spiritual life development opportunities for all people throughout the territory in the years ahead.
To read more about the Japan Territory, click here.
To read about the recent visit to Japan, including photos, by Australian officers, Commissioners Robyn and Wayne Maxwell, Zonal Leaders for the South Pacific and East Asia Zone, click here.
For more information on the International Prayer Focus 2024, and to download the calendar, click here.