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Meet Major Neil Clanfield

1. What is your current appointment and what do you find most satisfying about it?

Presently, I have three roles, all of which I enjoy and find fulfilling. Along with my wife, Sharon, I am now in my eighth year of being Area Officer for the Brisbane City, Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast and South Burnett regions. At the beginning of 2023, I was appointed as Assistant Divisional Commander for Queensland. My third role is Coordinator for INSPIRE, which is a spiritual leadership development journey for officers and employed Salvation Army mission leaders.

2. Away from the appointment – if that’s possible! – what do you do to relax or unwind?

While my roles do keep me well occupied, I strongly believe that to see effective work outcomes, one needs to balance work with time off to relax and unwind. If the wind and tides are right, I go fishing or bike riding. If not, we might watch a good movie or go for a drive. I also love a good coffee!

3. What’s a favourite Christian song and why do you like it?

Good question. Don’t know if I have any real favourites, but over the past year, the songs I Speak Jesus and The Goodness of God have been significant to me for different reasons.

4. If you could have a good talk with a biblical character apart from Jesus, who would it be and what would you talk about?

As with many others, I would like to have a conversation with Paul. While he has a great transformation story and great theological knowledge, he was also one who personally struggled at times. Even though he experienced both personal challenges and persecution from those who should have known better, he remained steadfast to the calling on his life and his personal relationship with God.

5. If you were talking to a group of Salvationists and they asked if you recommended officership or not, what would you say?

There is no doubt that officership is not for everyone. In saying that, I can’t think of one appointment over the past 37 years where I have not found fulfilment. That’s not saying everything has been easy. Sharon and I have had to work through with God some very challenging times, but overall we have been to places, had a myriad of experiences, and seen God at work in many ways that we may not have experienced if we had chosen a different path.


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