Meet the officer – Captain Joanne Williams
1. What is your current appointment and what do you find most satisfying about it?
My current appointment is Corps Officer, Eastern Beaches Corps. The title sounds lovely, like beaches etc, but it is deceiving. We are located in the Maroubra Junction with around 13 housing estates in the area. This means our people are ‘high need’ – facing addictions, mental illness, lack of resources and a plethora of other issues. Whilst hard work, it also is what makes it satisfying. No two days are the same. We face so many diverse issues and people and we can see where we make a real difference in people’s lives. I have seen lives totally transformed, e.g, people beat their addictions and find Jesus. This warms and satisfies my heart.
2. Away from the appointment – if that’s possible! – what do you do to relax or unwind?
I love the ocean, and in summer, I always need to swim or visit the beach. I love to read a good book. I love to cook and have friends over for dinner. I also like exploring new areas and seeing their coffee shops, etc.
3. What’s a favourite Christian song, and why do you like it?
I like different songs at different times. At the moment I’m loving ‘Simplicity’ by Rend Collective. It’s a slow, meditative song that speaks to my heart. Particularly the lyrics:
I come in simplicity Longing for purity To worship You In spirit and truth Only You
Lord, strip it all away
’Til only You remain
I’m coming back
To my first love
Only You
You’re the reason I sing
The reason I sing
Yes, my heart will sing
How I love You
And forever I'll sing
Forever I’ll sing
Yes, my heart will sing
How I love You
I want to be stripped away and fully surrendered.
4. If you could have a good talk with a biblical character apart from Jesus, who would it be and what would you talk about?
Deborah! Because she was a strong woman leader, a prophetess and a judge. She was known to hear God’s voice and share it with others. She was a judge in a man’s world. She was known to be wise. I’d love to know how she heard, how she handled leadership, her wisdom and her heart for God.
5. If you were talking to a group of Salvationists and they asked if you recommended officership or not, what would you say?
I’m an officer because God called me to it, and so I would have to say, if you know God has called you into officership, then you grab it and run with it! He knows the plans for your life and the adventure He will take you on. And it is an adventure. But if you don’t feel you are called, if you see it as a job, or a way to serve, then I wouldn’t recommend it. You have to know it’s the call because there are so many ways you can minister in the Kingdom and do the Mission of Jesus. You also have to know you were called by God to hold you in the tough times. But, when it’s right, there is nothing better than seeing people’s lives transformed and advancing the Kingdom on earth through officership and The Salvation Army.
– Interview by Lerisse Smith