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New award honours Salvationists with a pioneering spirit

Mission pioneers Steve Medved, Lauren Martin and Pam O’Dea after being presented with their Cutmore Awards at the General’s Sydney Rally on Monday 26 August. Photo: Steve Haworth
Mission pioneers Steve Medved, Lauren Martin and Pam O’Dea after being presented with their Cutmore Awards at the General’s Sydney Rally on Monday 26 August. Photo: Steve Haworth


Territorial Commander Commissioner Miriam Gluyas has introduced a new award – the Cutmore Award – named after Commissioners Ian and Nancy Cutmore, Australian officers who pioneered The Salvation Army’s work in Papua New Guinea more than 60 years ago.


The first recipients were the Cutmores themselves, who were surprised and delighted when Miriam visited their home and presented them with the award – personally named the Pioneering Award.


“Commissioners Ian and Nancy Cutmore are heroes of the faith,” Miriam said.


“When Ian was a young lieutenant, his commissioner asked him to go to Papua New Guinea. When Ian asked what he wanted him to do there, the commissioner said, ‘I don’t really know. Just go and do something!’ And he did.”


The Salvation Army officially commenced in Papua New Guinea on 31 August 1956. The first officers appointed to work in PNG were Major Keith and Mrs Major Edna Baker, and Lieut Ian Cutmore (now retired commissioner).

Commissioner Miriam Gluyas presents Commissioners Ian and Nancy Cutmore with the Pioneering Award at their Port Macquarie home.
Commissioner Miriam Gluyas presents Commissioners Ian and Nancy Cutmore with the Pioneering Award at their Port Macquarie home.

NSW/ACT recipients

Miriam augured the new award, officially known as the Ian and Nancy Cutmore Award, to reward Salvos with an exceptional pioneering spirit.

The first three recipients were honoured at the General’s Sydney Rally on Monday night – Steve Medved (Mission Leader in Central West NSW), Lauren Martin (Shire Salvos Communities of Hope Facilitator) and Pam O’Dea (Northlakes Corps Leader).


“We thank God for our pioneers and planters today. We celebrate them,” Miriam said “But we need more people who will ‘just go and do something’ and be amazed by what God does.”


Miriam said the three recipients of the new award were outstanding examples of Salvos who “embraced a pioneering spirit”.


The NSW/ACT Division provided the territorial commander with a heartfelt tribute about each recipient and their impact on their respective communities, which Salvos Online shares below:


Steve Medved “Winning souls for the Kingdom and God is Steve’s passion. He is a gifted evangelist who loves sharing his story and the gospel message. Steve has reignited the work of the gospel through The Salvation Army in Bathurst, Lithgow and Mudgee. Steve and his wife, Julie, love the people that God has given them, and their desire is to see them all reach their full potential in Christ. Recently, members of the Bathurst, Mudgee and Lithgow corps came together to celebrate the enrolment of 12 senior soldiers, two junior soldier and two adherents. Two senior soldiers from Lithgow recently attended the Leading in Place weekend at Collaroy and have also been set on fire to minister to their local community.”


Lauren Martin “Lauren has an evangelical and apostolic gift and she continues to create new ways for people to meet and hear from God. She has an ability to love people into the kingdom and is always ready to be interrupted for the God moments and conversations. Lauren has a big heart for people and a deep desire for them to come to know Jesus as their personal Saviour and friend. In Helensburgh (south of Sydney), you’ll see Lauren running a Bible study in the Salvos Store, supporting vulnerable people and families, running fundraisers or having coffee and meeting clients at The Cupbearer Café and running groups that allow for God conversations. Lauren brings the best out of others and is always willing to try something new if it helps her be missional. Lauren’s intentionality is such an inspiration as she maximises her impact for the kingdom. Lauren is a bundle of joy and makes Jesus known through just living her every day.”


Pam O'Dea  

“Pam has been faithfully leading Northlakes Salvation Army (NSW Central Coast) for over 20 years. Northlakes is a thriving church community, where prayer and small groups are an integral part of its culture. Under Pam’s leadership, Northlakes has become a multi-generational faith community, a place that connects with its community, and one that continues to have leadership that is 100 per cent volunteer. Including Pam, who is also the principal at St Phillips Christian College. Pam carries a passion to identify and equip emerging leaders, seeing each person reach their fullest potential in and through Christ.”

More Cutmore Awards will be presented at rallies in each state as the General’s tour continues throughout the week. 


Purchase a copy of Commissioner Ian Cutmore’s book on the pioneering work in Papua New Guinea.

Not Weary Yet: Inspiring Snippets of The Salvation Army Papua New Guinea Story is available from Salvationist Supplies by emailing or or by calling Sydney Salvationist Supplies (1800 634 209) and Melbourne Salvation Army Supplies (1800 100 018).

If any one person, corps, division or territory wants to buy 10 copies or more they can email and they will get them at the wholesale price of $25 each plus postage.

To read about the book’s launch, click here

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