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Salvo workers are ‘game-changers’, says General Buckingham

General Lyndon Buckingham addresses staff at the chapel service at Territorial Headquarters (Redfern, Sydney) on Tuesday morning. Photos: Steve Haworth


General Lyndon Buckingham has labelled every person working in any capacity for The Salvation Army a ‘game-changer’.


The General used a chapel service at Territorial Headquarters in Redfern, Sydney, on Tuesday morning to encourage workers, saying they played a significant role in the Army’s mission.


“I want you to understand how important you are. You are a significant part of enabling The Salvation Army to do what it is doing. You are game-changers!” he said.

NSW/ACT Divisional Commander Major Kim Haworth prays for the Buckinghams. Photo: Steve Haworth

“You are bringing salt and light and aroma and hope and life around the planet because of the commitment that you’re making to do the job you’re doing to the very best of your ability.


“God is honoured by it. The Bible suggests that your work is an act of worship that blesses the heart of God. Think about that.


“When God sees you doing your stuff, he sees you contributing to the work of The Salvation Army.”


The General backed his words with a passage from Galatians 6:4-5.


“Here’s how Eugene Peterson, in his Message translation, puts it. It’s beautiful. ‘Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work that you have been given, and then sink yourself into that’. Oh, I love that. ‘Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.


“May God bless you as you give yourself to the work that has been given to you for the good of the Army, the advancement of the mission and the extension of God’s kingdom.”

Salvos Online journalist Lauren Martin plays the ‘Pass the Salt’ game with the Buckinghams. Photo: Steve Haworth

The General also spoke about the soon-to-be-released Global Strategic Framework, which will be rolled out from International Headquarters next month. This framework is built on three pillars: People, Mission, Legacy.


Other highlights at the Redfern service included words of introduction by Commissioner Miriam Gluyas, an Acknowledgement of Country presented by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Coordinator Sue Hodges, and an ‘interview’ by Lauren Martin with the Buckinghams, using the Pass the Salt conversation cards.


A wonderful morning tea followed, prepared by the Stanmore House catering team.

General and Commissioner Buckingham with (from left) Sue Hodges, Commissioner Miriam Gluyas and Lucy Davis at Territorial Headquarters Redfern.





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