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• Semaphore Salvos reaching out

Major Tim Watson, Josiah Watson and Major Claire Watson at the Easter community event on 2 April.

Port Adelaide Semaphore Corps has been actively reaching out to its community while raising awareness and much-needed funds for those experiencing homelessness in the area.

A successful community event was held over the Easter period at the Birkenhead Naval Reserve.

“God sent perfect weather for the Easter Sunday Funday,” said Major Tim Watson. “Around 60 people enjoyed games like egg-and-spoon race, sack race and tug-of-war. After a treasure hunt, the Easter story was shared with the children, and each child received a show bag containing a book and Easter eggs.”

The Port Adelaide/Semaphore area can be host to many who find themselves struggling and needing somewhere safe to go. The corps has been raising funds to provide vouchers so that those struggling with homelessness can access nearby cafes and hairdressers.

Major Claire Watson shares about Port Adelaide Semaphore’s ministry in this video:

– Anthony Castle


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