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Caloundra Corps ‘makes it happen’ for the Solomon Islands

The Queensland Divisional Fellowship band played to a packed hall as part of a Caloundra Corps missionary morning to raise funds for the territorial project 'Making it Happen'.
The Queensland Divisional Fellowship band played to a packed hall as part of a Caloundra Corps missionary morning to raise funds for the territorial project 'Making it Happen'.

The territorial ‘Making it Happen’ project for 2023-24 received a healthy boost last week when the Queensland Divisional Fellowship Band performed at a fundraising concert at Caloundra Corps on the Sunshine Coast.

The project is raising funds to build and furnish a home for corps officers in one of the 11 villages in the Solomon Islands where The Salvation Army is growing. The house would also be a missional hub for Salvos and a space for service to the wider community.


The Caloundra LIFT group (Ladies in Fellowship Together), coordinated by Commissioner Jan Condon (Ret.), organised the 11 June event as part of their annual missionary morning.


After morning tea and stalls selling homemade goodies, the approximately 140 attendees moved into the worship building for the concert.


Major Ray Proud (Ret.) compered the 90-minute program, which included band pieces, a cornet and vocal solo, reflection and two songs by the singing group, Men in Harmony.

Angus Johnstone (front) played cornet with both his grandfathers – Ross Johnstone (middle) and Major Ray Proud (right) and trombonist Russell Woodford.
Angus Johnstone (front) played cornet with both his grandfathers – Ross Johnstone (middle) and Major Ray Proud (right) and trombonist Russell Woodford.

Martin Rowden was the bandmaster, Kevin Brown conducted several numbers, and Gary Rule led the singing group. Teenage cornet player Angus Johnstone was joined by both his grandfathers – Ross Johnstone and Major Proud.


“The Queensland Divisional Fellowship Band has been in operation for 21 years,” said Major Rowena Smith, Making it Happen coordinator.  “One member, Ian Exton, has been with the band since it started.  The eldest member is 87 years old. Thirty musicians played for the Caloundra event.”


Attendees came from other corps in the region, members of four other denominations in the community, and those interested from the Salvos House4Hope in Caloundra, and Connect outreach.

Commissioner Jan Condon (standing) was instrumental in organising the event.
Commissioner Jan Condon (standing) was instrumental in organising the event.

Commissioners' support Commissioners Jan and James Condon previously served in Papua New Guinea as colonels (James as Chief Secretary and Jan as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries). “We were great supporters of the opening of The Salvation Army work in the Solomon Islands,” said Jan. “Initial visits were made to the Solomon Islands to visit government and church officials and community leaders to discuss the needs of the country and the people, and how The Salvation Army could minister there.”


Commissioner James Condon, as Territorial Commander of the former Australia Eastern Territory, attended the official opening of the Salvation Army in the Solomon Islands in November 2011.

The total raised for the Making it Happen project was just over $2200.


People from different denominations in the community attended the concert.
People from different denominations in the community attended the concert.

“We’re grateful to Jan for her desire to continue holding a missionary morning each year,” said Aux-Lieutenant Karen Clark, Caloundra Corps Officer. “The team are highly motivated and well-led. We are glad to be able to be a part of something that will make a lasting impact on families in the Solomon Islands.”


Fundraising opportunities

The total raised so far (excluding the Caloundra donation) is now sitting at around $83,600, including the online donations.


“District Officers in the Solomon Islands, Australians Majors Robert and Vanessa Evans will be encouraged by this update, as we continue aiming for the target of $120,000 by the end of the year,” said Rowena.

“If your corps has not yet participated in the project, please consider finding a space somewhere in these last few months of the year, to think about a fundraising plan that would work for you. It doesn’t have to be a big event – it’s just the joy of giving that is important – coming together as a faith community, working together for a common cause and having fun doing it.  


“We would like to thank all those corps, centres and individuals who have already donated. And we acknowledge Salvos Stores for their engagement in the project too.  So far donations from Salvos Stores have brought in close to $25,000.”


To help engage children in the Making it Happen project, Rowena spoke about a new resource in the toolkit – Soctober (see link below).


For more information:

To access the resources available in the toolkit, click here.

For more information or to donate online to the Making it Happen project, click here.

To view Commissioner Miriam Gluyas’ encouragement to support the project, click here.

If you have any questions regarding the project, you can email the team at




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