Sydney: General urges Salvationists not to miss the move of the Holy Spirit

Hundreds of Salvationists and friends gathered in Sydney last night for the first Australian rally to mark the visit of The Salvation Army’s world leaders, General Lyndon and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham.
NSW/ACT Divisional Commander Major Kim Haworth welcomed those gathered and said to the Buckinghams that they were “starting their tour of Australia in the best division!”
The Buckinghams and those gathered enjoyed worship with the Sydney Staff Songsters and a combined band comprising Parramatta Corps Band, Sydney Youth Band and Salvation Brass members.
The worship ensemble – led by Rockdale Corps Officer Aux-Lieut Renata Davies and made up of Salvos from Auburn, Rockdale, Sydney Congress Hall, Norwest and Shire Salvos – anchored the evening by leading the congregation in song and praise.
A highlight of the evening was a Welcome to Country that included Indigenous dance, song, language and poetry.

In an inspiring and animated address, the General said he sensed that this was a time when the Holy Spirit was stirring over his people, and he urged Salvationists not to miss it.
“In the midst of all the darkness, in the midst of all the uncertainty, in the midst of all of the pain that is the reality of our world right now, God is stirring up his people, that we might be a healing balm, an antidote, light, salt, the aroma of Christ. Hope, in a hopeless world,” he said.
“Where do you want the King to be in your life,” he cried out to those gathered. “Present? Prominent? Or preeminent? I’m telling you, the action, the dynamism, the excitement, that all unleashes … in the surrender, in the making ourselves available.”

Earlier in the meeting, Commissioner Bronwyn and General Lyndon were interviewed by three young Salvationists, Jessica Sesay, Christian Davies and Naomi Meredith, with Commissioner Bronwyn encouraging them that young people across The Salvation Army world are rising up: “God is at work amongst the children and the teenagers and the young adults of our Salvation Army. And that, to me, is really, really exciting!”

There was also a presentation from leaders of three Army expressions – Mark Soper (Shire Salvos), Aux-Lieut Amanda Pethybridge (Rouse Hill) and Aux-Lieut David Hopewell (Wagga Wagga) – who expanded on the ‘Jesus-centred, Spirit-led, hope revealed’ rally cry of the Australia Territory.
During the meeting, the Territorial Commander of the Australia Territory, Commissioner Miriam Gluyas, announced the formation of a new Salvation Army Australia award – the ‘Commissioners Ian and Nancy Cutmore Award’ for pioneering new faith expressions. (Full story here)
Commissioner Gluyas said she had recently awarded the very first Cutmore Award to Commissioners Ian and Nancy themselves for their role in pioneering the work of The Salvation Army in Papua New Guinea.
The evening culminated with a rousing rendition of O Boundless Salvation and a blessing and benediction from Chief Secretary Colonel Winsome Merrett.
The Buckinghams attended an event at Territorial Headquarters in Redfern this morning before flying to Perth for a night rally at Perth Fortress Corps.
For more photos of the Sydney Rally, click through the slideshow below: