• IHQ launches photo comp

To celebrate the launch of Equip, the new online learning platform for The Salvation Army, International Headquarters in London IHQ is running an international photography competition.
The team is asking for the submission of photos based on two themes:
1. What does it look like to be equipped for service?
2. How do fields ripe for harvest look?
Participants can send in a photo or photos that capture either or both themes. Images could include:
1. A Salvation Army space/place where the active mission of Christ exists.
2. An area of open land used for yielding a crop.
Entries must be submitted, along with a completed application form, no later than midnight (GMT) on Thursday 16 May 2024.
“Please share the progress of your photograph with the hashtag #EquipPhoto and tag us,” the team asks.
For terms and conditions, click here.