• Thailand joins the ranks

Australian officers Commissioners Wayne and Robyn Maxwell, leaders of the South Pacific and East Asia Zone, officially opened and dedicated the work of The Salvation Army in Chang Mai, Thailand, on Sunday 24 September.
This nation in Southeast Asia is part of the Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand Territory, and is now the 134th country in which The Salvation Army works.

Although the process for registration of The Salvation Army as a legal entity began in 2016, it was only on 28 April 2023 that the government of Chiang Province approved the establishment of The Salvation Army.
Pioneering work in Chiang Mai was undertaken in August 2014 when International Headquarters appointed Majors Ken and Neva Phiouthong to initiate research and development – work that continued to advance under subsequent officers and lay personnel.

The activities of The Salvation Army in Thailand have included an ongoing and growing worshipping community since 2015, a vibrant children’s ministry, prison ministry, support to the homeless and those living in poverty and assisting flood victims.
Other work to share the good news has included camps for underprivileged children, sports ministry, team and women’s group Bible studies, fundraising, fellowship events, men’s fellowship gatherings and home visits.
During their time in the territory, Commissioners Maxwell also dedicated a new children’s care centre and community complex in Kuching, Malaysia, enrolled new senior soldiers and dedicated local officers.